Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:
Nothing as I went past the second time today or at least, not on the south side.  Mayhaps, Cooper and Closet Birder will have better luck.  However, there will come a point not so long from now when we just won't see them again this year ...  :'(


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on September 12, 2013, 11:08 ---
Yesterday afternoon going by, I had two birds, both with breasts that were too light to be chicks, one bird larger than the other so pretty darn sure it was Jules (south side "v") and Beau (on the south side blue "box").

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I caught the same view at about 5:30 yesterday evening!

This morning again two adults, this time smaller bird (assume Beau) on south side and larger (Jules?) on the east side. It seemed weird to see them on different sides of the building - almost like they were ignoring each other, giving each other the silent treatment.  :)

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Cooper on September 11, 2013, 09:03 ---Parent on the "G" east side this morning at 8:30. I'm not certain it was Beau though. Seemed at little larger, although that may have been because he was sitting forward and I got a full view. How'd you do closet birder?  :)

--- End quote ---

I rolled by earlier than that and had a bird that looked like Beau on the "s" ... looking out it was just his breast that was visible and it looked smaller.  He does like to ply Jules with food so she came in to eat and he went off to find more ...

Yesterday afternoon going by, I had two birds, both with breasts that were too light to be chicks, one bird larger than the other so pretty darn sure it was Jules (south side "v") and Beau (on the south side blue "box").

Parent on the "G" east side this morning at 8:30. I'm not certain it was Beau though. Seemed at little larger, although that may have been because he was sitting forward and I got a full view. How'd you do closet birder?  :)

closet birder:
I gave up on driving that way this morning and took a different route into work. Too backed up!! Usually it's around 8 AM that I pass by and see them. People probably wonder why my head is turned around looking backwards when I'm driving.  :) If I get out of the house earlier tomorrow I'll go back to that route.


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