Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: allikat on September 14, 2013, 20:39 ---Actually, even though West Winnipeg suffered a loss, unfortunately a female, it was a successful season for this pair of birds, considering how it started! All I can write is, these birds absolutely know how to create a, "Soap Falconopera"!
All the best to our birds and we look forward to your return!
--- End quote ---
Who knows Allikat, perhaps you might see another one of the WW girls in Saskatchewan next year if we are lucky :)
Actually, even though West Winnipeg suffered a loss, unfortunately a female, it was a successful season for this pair of birds, considering how it started! All I can write is, these birds absolutely know how to create a, "Soap Falconopera"!
All the best to our birds and we look forward to your return!
very sad news about the juvenile but you know, it is still good news in a way, because she made it that far, and was able to experience what peregrines do. While sad she will not have opportunity to nest, she was very success in my book
Caught a glimpse of one of the adults on the "e", east side, this morning at about 8:00. Didn't get a good look because traffic was actually moving along this morning. Funny how I don't mind a traffic jam at this particular location. ;)
Jules was on the east side of the Diner during early evening.
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