Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
Totally boring at the nestsite right now. No wind in this location and the adult, looks like Beau, is face-planted into the tuppernest.
The Peregrine Chick:
Sorry Qumran, getting my locations mixed up now with all the talk about the Diner, the Bleachers, the Lookout and the B&B :-[
There are three nestsite buildings in this territory and one old one that would be neat to get back into operation but I don't think that would be possible. The Bleachers is one of their favourite roost sites - like the Diner, the B&B and the Spa ...
Mondays ... do we have to have them EVERY darn week! ::)
So they are nested at the Bleachers and not the Diner? I'm just trying to get my falcons in a row.
I also saw Beau on the Diner's sign on Friday, and there was a nice assortment of fluff and feathers blowing around the parking lot this morning.
Thanks again for all the updates and info. It's amazing to be able to 'follow' the happenings of such beautiful birds.
The Peregrine Chick:
as of 1545h today ... one of the adults, looks like Beau by the size is tucked firmly on the eggs despite the warm weather and the sun ... we'll see what happens when the sun moves over a bit and not quite so directly on the tuppernest. He was off the eggs just after lunch when I went by, he was perched in the sun soaking up the rays.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: dupre501 on May 06, 2013, 12:20 ---On Saturday May 4th about noon, Jules was on the east side of the Diner soaking up the rays and Beau was on the Bleachers. So they were not yet into constant incubation mode.
--- End quote ---
The Bleachers is very warm in the afternoon, so I think perhaps they are into incubation, just that the site is warm enough they can get off the eggs when its not too hot. Seems that they have been incubating almost as long as the Radisson pair - we'll be able to count backwards once the eggs hatch which will give us a good confirmation since the camera angle at this site is less than optimal at the moment ... not due to the cameras, due to the tuppernest being moved just out of camera range!
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