Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules
There is a lot of mention of 'Bleachers' and 'the diner' and I know we want the location kept from public knowledge. Just wondering if they are in the same location as previous years? I don't know what the cryptic location names mean but I know where they have been and would love to keep an eye out for a sighting.
Tracy, any word on the transmitters on the two chicks from last year?
While waiting after work for my ride, I happened to look down at the front ramp to the 'Diner'. Pigeon wing! Or what was left of it. I almost took a picture to share with you guys, then thought it might not be appreciated by all... :-X At any rate, our feathered friends are definately eating well if the feathers flying around in the wind are any indication. :)
I hope now that the Radisson/Brandon cameras are live we don't hear less about our West Winnipeg falcons. No camera means we'll need more updates! ;D ;D
On Sunday we were in the area and about 12:55 there must have been a shift change.
We spotted Beau when we were across the street from the Diner and decided to get closer. One minute we are watching Beau on the Diner, when he ups and takes off. Of course he did this while I was looking down at my camera and fiddling with the settings. Then when I brought my camera up to take his picture he was gone. So while frantically searching the skies we see a peregrine in the distance headed for the Bleachers.
Get in the car and race for the Bleachers. On the way there we see a peregrine take off and lose sight of it. Well, we stared up at the Bleachers for a few minutes and couldn't see anything and no one came back. So then we decided to head to the Tower. That's were we found Jules.
The Peregrine Chick:
Yup, more boring here. Incubating adult looks like Beau and he looks bored too. I've been trying to tell them that it is all worth it because one of his kids, a male no less, is the resident male in Fargo this year. Not helping much I don't think, Dad still looks bored.
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