Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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--- Quote from: dupre501 on June 05, 2013, 12:19 ---Hi RCF,

You're photos of Beau are much clearer than mine. Another way to tell it is Beau, is that his head and cheeks are so black, there really isn't any mylar bar, I finally figured that out this year, now I can tell if it is him right away.

The first two shots you have are at the Bleachers, the third is at the Diner.

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Thanks dupre.  :)


You're photos of Beau are much clearer than mine. Another way to tell it is Beau, is that his head and cheeks are so black, there really isn't any mylar bar, I finally figured that out this year, now I can tell if it is him right away.

The first two shots you have are at the Bleachers, the third is at the Diner.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on June 04, 2013, 10:36 ---Two chicks for sure, think there is at least one egg still there but can't be sure ...

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Great news about the two chicks!! ♥

I was in Winnipeg today for an appointment and I stopped by to see the West Winnipeg Peregrines. I am not sure which is the Diner or the Bleachers, but I did see one perched in two places.  I thnk it was Beau in both places because I could see the red band on his leg.  :)

Beau could be seen hanging close by the nest this evening.


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