Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:
Jules doesn't like me right now  ;D

Was able to move the tuppernest back within camera range and in the process Jules managed to scratch me up a bit (legs and arms) but no worse than at banding time and it was well worth it to be able to get a better look at the chicks!  And they are very pretty little chicks, all three of them  ;)

Saw Beau perched at the corner of the Diner on my way to the car after work yesterday.  Thought 'I'm going to try for a picture this time' since I still had my camera in my purse from our weekend excursions.  Turned it on, zoomed in, crap! wrong flash setting.  Changed setting, zoomed in (again), crap! wrong shutter setting.  By the time I had it set up to take a long distance photo, on a bright day, against a blue sky, Beau got bored and did a beau-tiful glide off the Diner and out of site.  

Still seeing bits of birdie strewn about from time to time, but not as much as last year.  I guess most of the meals are eaten at the nest site now.  At least he still visits us from time to time though.  :)

The Peregrine Chick:
There are still 2 chicks in the tuppernest that I can be sure of but at times they seemed way too active to just be two chicks and I wondered if there might be a third newly added into the mix ...

The WW pair have been off the chicks today too for periods of time - Beau to hoover around the tuppernest (not in the tuppernest which really really needs some housecleaning) and Jules to sit up high and glare a the world.

Great shots - yay about the chicks!  ;D ;D

Great shots RCF!

Beau is a good-looking bird.


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