Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on June 07, 2013, 13:24 ---With the tuppernest within camera range, was able to watch Jules feed the chicks four times this morning - 0611h, 0733h, 1103h and 1208h - she did a great job all the chicks got fed, including one that is obviously a day, maybe two behind the others.  Not a problem at this age, they grow so rapidly that in another few days they will all be the same size and at the same stage of development. 

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Thank you for this update, TPC! Hope your tetanus shots are up to date. I appreciate what you do for the falcon phanatics. I look forward to photos of the WW falcons. <3

The Peregrine Chick:
With the tuppernest within camera range, was able to watch Jules feed the chicks four times this morning - 0611h, 0733h, 1103h and 1208h - she did a great job all the chicks got fed, including one that is obviously a day, maybe two behind the others.  Not a problem at this age, they grow so rapidly that in another few days they will all be the same size and at the same stage of development. 

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: noellat on June 07, 2013, 11:11 ---TPC , If only they knew that you are the "Other-Mother"  to all of them.

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I'm very glad Jules doesn't see me as the "other woman", if that is what she does to defend her chicks, she'd massacre me for trying to take her Beau!!  ;) ;D

TPC , If only they knew that you are the "Other-Mother"  to all of them.

The Peregrine Chick:
She's a great mom and doing all the things she's suppose to do.  We know she is a captive-bred bird which, if she is an escaped falconry bird might mean that she's more, let's say "comfortable" standing up to a human because she's had a lot of hands-on interaction with them.  If she was a captive-bred bird but purposely raised to be released to the wild, she would be like every other wild peregrine, she just grew up in a different environment from ours.  There are lots of other females that won't get out of their nestboxes when banders come to "borrow" their chicks for a wee while, its nice to have one here too!  And hopefully we will know her background someday.


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