Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: RCF on June 10, 2013, 10:45 ---Will you be posting any screen captures of the West Winnipeg family?  :)

--- End quote ---

Probably not yet because even though we can see them well enough for monitoring sake, the image isn't close/clear enough for viewing.  However, we do hope to move the chicks at banding at which point we shouldn't have any problems with captures.

Will you be posting any screen captures of the West Winnipeg family?  :)

The Peregrine Chick:
I'm going to provide chronologies for full days here I think, I've been doing them like the Radisson and McKenzie Seeds sites but they have cams you all can see so a bit later today I'll post the full chronology for yesterday so you can follow along with this pair better.  If we have other nests in the province (Brandon Tower for example) and we manage to get a camera on them, I'll do the same thing there.

Just so you know the 3 chicks are fine, had their first meal at 0557h delivered by Beau and their second by Jules starting at 0904h.

The Peregrine Chick:
these chicks are very active, or rather squirmy given their age ...

0544h - first meal
0707h - second meal
0957h - third meal

Looks like Beau is doing what Ivy usually does which is stuffing his kids ... this is good, food at this site has not always been so abundant but this isn't really so surprising, given the stress that this site puts the adults and young under.  One for instance is that the adult on duty with the chicks is almost always awake and alert which is not something we see at McKenzie Seeds or at the Radisson - there the incubating/brooding adult does nap/cat-nap while on the eggs/chicks.

Like the Radisson birds, Beau and Jules (mostly Jules since she is with them most) have been off the chicks a lot this morning.  And its not because they are defending the site, they are perched either just a few inches or a couple of feet away from the chicks, but the chicks are uncovered ...

The Peregrine Chick:
So far today at WW ...

0341h - first meal
0821h - second meal

Jules is on the chicks most of the time ... this morning they have been very squirmy so they have been keeping her from resting while brooding them ...


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