Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2013 / Ivy & Princess

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The Peregrine Chick:
Okay, two US birds, both have purple anodized bands on their right legs - one is black/red, the other black green.  Haven't been able to get close to their band numbers, light isn't great today and neither of them have been cooperative.  The bird photographed by Global a week and a week ago was also black/green.  These two birds were scraping and bowing to one another on the nestledge ( :o ::) like we need more complications at the Radisson!!) so they may know each other in which case it might be a pair we haven't met yet.  Or it could be Smiley (black/green) and an unknown female (black/red) or maybe even Smiley and Joli (black/red).  With luck they will hang around for a couple more days and with the Radisson webcams back up and operating and some sunny weather we might get another look at them!

Thank you Eye-Spy for the cams & Dennis for bringing Wowzer on our road trip today!

The Peregrine Chick:
Eye-Spy sorted the problem with our cameras at the Radisson and what do we see on the ledgecam - a bird with a black/red band and with the spycam another bird - an adult, male it looks like.  No peak at his/her band yet ... could be transients roaming through or maybe Cowboy & Joli or Smiley and someone else from the US or or or ... who said all the fun is in the spring!!!  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Jazzerkins on October 14, 2013, 10:21 ---Is it possible that Beatrix has been having trouble catching birds, so she has resorted to catching the Giant Water Beetles for food? ???

--- End quote ---

No, if she had problems catching birds she wouldn't still be alive, the peregrines need a lot of fuel, can only go a couple of days without food before dehydration starts to kick in, another day or two before their systems start feel the lack of food.  She's made it through two full years, four migrations and she looks great and she wouldn't have been able to do all that if her hunting skills weren't good.  In fact, the fact that she can catch Giant Water Bugs (they are bugs, not beetles) on the wing is a pretty good demonstration of how good her hunting skills are - granted they aren't speedy flyers but they aren't big either.  When I've been on the road at this time of the year, I've found them dead on sidewalks in towns in southern Manitoba, but I don't know anything about their lifecycle so maybe this is the time they start flying looking for ??? and the opportunity for slow, small protein packs was just too good for her to miss.  Back in the early 1990s, we had lots of grasshoppers and I watched fledgling chicks hunt them like crazy around their hack site, so insects are not new menu items, just more opportunistic menu items for those who want to take advantage of them.

Is it possible that Beatrix has been having trouble catching birds, so she has resorted to catching the Giant Water Beetles for food? ???

Would be so awesome if Beatrix set up housekeeping somewhere in Winnipeg next year ;D


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