Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines

Radisson - 2013 / Ivy & Princess

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Kinderchick on October 11, 2013, 16:24 ---Any news of the ID of the PF spotted outside a Global Newsroom window a few days ago, TPC? ???

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I've had a couple of photos emailed to me, but all I can say is that it is a black over green band but can't say if it is Smiley or not.  Another black/green past visitor is Sandy, so could be her or could be an entirely unexpected bird, like Beatrix ... I'm hoping to get a few more photos ...

Any news of the ID of the PF spotted outside a Global Newsroom window a few days ago, TPC? ???

Saw Somebirdie surveying the kingdom from the West Nest Ledge at high noon today!  ;D ;D

Was driving west through the downtown area around 1:00 PM today when I spotted a peregrine falcon perched on the east nest ledge. :D

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: closet birder on October 10, 2013, 12:18 ---So does that mean she is likely on her way south from a location north of Wpg? Wouldn't make sense she came up here from somewhere south at this time of year.
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Not necessarily, peregrines are not that north-south/east-west in their movements I'm afraid.  We have had birds moving great distances in all directions in short periods of time only to return to their starting point a few days later.  If she had been in a city or regularly around a town, likely someone would have read her band number and reported it to the proper authorities and we would have been notified about her by now. Given her age, she could have spent the last year anywhere on the Canadian Prairies or even in the US Midwest.  Given what we know about non-breeding peregrine behaviour, she mostly likely has been hanging out at a favourite wetland (like Lily did in the Minot area) or she was moving between wetlands.  And we have lots of very large and many, many smaller wetlands in this part of the country - parts of Alberta, much of Saskatchewan, much of southern and central Manitoba and parts of North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota are in the Prairie Pothole Region which has literally millions upon millions of small pothole wetlands in agricultural lands that are perfect for nesting waterfowl.  It would be as simple as deciding what you like to eat and hopping from wetland to wetland snacking as you go. 

And it is not unusual for us to spot birds in town at this time of the year that we haven't had reports on at any other time or from any other location.  Ones that we know about include Madame from Cedar Rapids, Sandy from Fargo, Smiley from Grand Forks, Luck from Brandon, Ty from the Radisson and now Beatrix from the Radisson.  Before the webcams and Dennis' cameras, there were probably others that over the years we just couldn't catch/identify!


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