Author Topic: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris  (Read 20825 times)

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Offline allikat

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2013, 22:20 »
I found this to be very interesting reading, TPC. Thank you for your lengthy explanation & reflections. :) I might add that Conner & Diana in Ottawa have been together for several years, although I am not sure for exactly how long, yet for some reason they have not managed to produce a successful nest.
I hoped to hear of better news, but, all in all, in reality, the best news is, Ty came back for another season.  So, to me, that's excellent news, but, if there isn't successful nesting, then, doesn't the male move on, or do they claim their territory and hope to procreate with another female? 

It's not as quick as that Alli.  Not nesting isn't the same as no nesting successfully.  If the female is Paris, they have nested successfully together once so he would likely remain with her whether they nest successfully or not, at least for a year, perhaps two.  Remember Doorly in Topeka?  They had 4 or 5 nests as I recall where he smashed all the eggs (no one knows why he did that - non-viable perhaps or just didn't understand what eggs were about) until the year one chick hatched and he made a complete 180 and was perfect dad.  If the female isn't Paris, then its not unusual for a pair not to nest together in their first year.  And if the female is borderline too young to breed, then again, no impetus not to remain with her. 

Ivy's first mate was Lucy and they were unsuccessful.  Ivy's second mate was Jules and they too were unsuccessful (location, location, location!) and it wasn't until he convinced Princess he was mate material that he found a permanent mate.  Now Ivy is a bit flighty, being hot and heavy with Jules then Joli before Princess this year is evidence enough of his determination to have chicks.  Once Princess was back however, there was no question where his loyalties lay.

Holly on the other hand found a mate during Zeus' sabbatical year with her but then returned to Zeus immediately afterwards. Zeus had 4 mates and he trained them all well.  Interestingly, despite her most successful year to date with Zeus in 2009, Hurricane took up with Brooklyn very quickly in 2010 and she's not done as well in terms of numbers of young to survive to fledging.  Princess was very loyal, she was steadfast in her bond with Trey until she was sure he wasn't coming back.  So while every bird and pair are different, they do tend to stick with what and who works.

They have been in the Selkirk area together all summer though they did arrive later (maybe that was the reason not to nest? maybe).  And we can't say if they haven't nested and perhaps lost the nest and we didn't find it before it was lost.  And perhaps they are just so far behind the other nests (more than a month) and we haven't found it because they are being secretive and they still have eggs or chicks that are too young to be seen/heard as we search for them. 

As I said, they are our puzzle pair ...
Thank you TPC for that explanation.  I was curious about the meaning of a successful nest, wasn't sure if Male Falcons, or the Females for that matter, after some time, pick another mate to have eggs or not.  Love and respect the loyalty of these birds, some different, but, all in all, the bond of a mate seems to be very strong, in some cases...(we'll leave Ivy and Joli out of this one -  ::), little feather fluffers)!

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2013, 19:19 »
On my way to the lake I always take a run through Selkirk in hopes of spotting something of interest...just when I think perhaps, nothing ???
The birds here are on and off as far as seeing them...starting to wonder if they have perhaps have taken a year off ?
Indications showed all the right things where going on...sooooo I'll keep checking with hopes of finding something that I have missed.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2013, 23:23 »
I found this to be very interesting reading, TPC. Thank you for your lengthy explanation & reflections. :) I might add that Conner & Diana in Ottawa have been together for several years, although I am not sure for exactly how long, yet for some reason they have not managed to produce a successful nest.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 23:27 by Kinderchick »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2013, 08:33 »
I hoped to hear of better news, but, all in all, in reality, the best news is, Ty came back for another season.  So, to me, that's excellent news, but, if there isn't successful nesting, then, doesn't the male move on, or do they claim their territory and hope to procreate with another female? 

It's not as quick as that Alli.  Not nesting isn't the same as no nesting successfully.  If the female is Paris, they have nested successfully together once so he would likely remain with her whether they nest successfully or not, at least for a year, perhaps two.  Remember Doorly in Topeka?  They had 4 or 5 nests as I recall where he smashed all the eggs (no one knows why he did that - non-viable perhaps or just didn't understand what eggs were about) until the year one chick hatched and he made a complete 180 and was perfect dad.  If the female isn't Paris, then its not unusual for a pair not to nest together in their first year.  And if the female is borderline too young to breed, then again, no impetus not to remain with her. 

Ivy's first mate was Lucy and they were unsuccessful.  Ivy's second mate was Jules and they too were unsuccessful (location, location, location!) and it wasn't until he convinced Princess he was mate material that he found a permanent mate.  Now Ivy is a bit flighty, being hot and heavy with Jules then Joli before Princess this year is evidence enough of his determination to have chicks.  Once Princess was back however, there was no question where his loyalties lay.

Holly on the other hand found a mate during Zeus' sabbatical year with her but then returned to Zeus immediately afterwards. Zeus had 4 mates and he trained them all well.  Interestingly, despite her most successful year to date with Zeus in 2009, Hurricane took up with Brooklyn very quickly in 2010 and she's not done as well in terms of numbers of young to survive to fledging.  Princess was very loyal, she was steadfast in her bond with Trey until she was sure he wasn't coming back.  So while every bird and pair are different, they do tend to stick with what and who works.

They have been in the Selkirk area together all summer though they did arrive later (maybe that was the reason not to nest? maybe).  And we can't say if they haven't nested and perhaps lost the nest and we didn't find it before it was lost.  And perhaps they are just so far behind the other nests (more than a month) and we haven't found it because they are being secretive and they still have eggs or chicks that are too young to be seen/heard as we search for them. 

As I said, they are our puzzle pair ...

Offline allikat

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2013, 00:10 »
Thank you for the reply TPC!

I hoped to hear of better news, but, all in all, in reality, the best news is, Ty came back for another season.  So, to me, that's excellent news, but, if there isn't successful nesting, then, doesn't the male move on, or do they claim their territory and hope to procreate with another female?

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2013, 22:35 »
Any word on this pair? 

Yes but not the kind you are asking about Allikat.  Ty has been back all season in Selkirk and we are pretty convinced that the unbanded female he is with is Paris but they don't appear to be nesting.  Every time we corner them they are somewhere different and we can't find their nest.  But we keep looking because they were successful last year and we can't see a reason why they wouldn't be nesting this year.  But maybe we are wrong and it isn't Paris rather another unbanded female (we've had a few unbanded birds this year so not an unlikely scenario) and that's why they aren't nesting.

Basically, the word is there is a pair and the banded bird is Ty but other than that they are not saying much ... We have decided that they are a puzzle that we haven't solved yet ...

Offline allikat

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2013, 21:02 »
Any word on this pair? 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2013, 11:04 »
We are going to check on these two in the next little bit ... not sure they are ready to nest but we think so so if we find them we may find their final choice for nest site at the same time!  And if they are obviously not nesting yet, "we'll be back" ...

Offline RCF

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2013, 07:43 »
Ty is certainly a very nice looking tiercel!!  :-*

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2013, 07:40 »
The last visit to Selkirk found Ty having lunch and the rest of the photos have been loaded, and can be found here  hopefully more in the day's to come.

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2013, 20:50 »
Whistle, whistle - Ty is a looker!  Good job Paris! 
  oh, yes, but we all want to know where is Tupper? ???

Offline allikat

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2013, 20:30 »
Whistle, whistle - Ty is a looker!  Good job Paris! 

Offline RCF

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2013, 12:18 »
As always, great photos Dennis!!  :)

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2013, 08:31 »
Few more photos of "Luncheon with Ty" have been loaded.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Selkirk Peregrines - 2013 / Ty & Paris
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2013, 19:43 »
Nice to hear that you saw "Paris" on your way to Gimli, Dennis. :D