Author Topic: 2012 - Kinderchicklets / Eating and Eating  (Read 5910 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Eating and Eating
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2012, 09:34 »
Hey Kinderchicklets,

Sorry I couldn't answer your question earlier, it has been very busy lately!

You were asking how many birds do our birds each day?  We'll the adults usually eat 2 or 3 depending on how much work they have done and if they can catch their food which isn't easy!  But if they can't catch that many, they can go a day or two without food, but they shouldn't go longer than that.  The chicks at this age (three of the chicks are 31 days old, 1 is 30 days old) need to eat about a bird a day - so 4 chicks, 4 birds. 

So, if Ivy and Princess catch two birds a day for themselves (that 2 adult peregrines x 2 birds = 4 birds) plus one bird per day for each of the chicks (that's 4 peregrines chicks x 1 bird = 4 birds), that's 8 birds a day that Ivy and Princess have to catch.  Do you think your Mom and Dad would like to go to the grocery store 8 times every day to get food for your family?  They would be in the grocery story all the time!  What is different is that when your parents go to the grocery store, they can always find the food they need to buy - with the peregrines, at least half the time they go hunting for birds to eat, they don't catch anything at all!!  So to catch 8 birds at day, they probably have go hunting 15 or 16 times every single day!  Wow!

Another great question Kinderchicklets - thank you for asking it!

The Peregrine Chick

Offline Kinderchick

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2012 - Kinderchicklets / Eating and Eating
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2012, 19:51 »
The Kinderchicklets have really been enjoying watching the 4 Radisson chicks hatch and grow, Tracy. They especially like watching them eat and think that it is really nice that Princess feeds her babies like that. They are growing so big, so fast that every time I turn the webcam on in the morning at school, one or two of the 'chicklets remark that they sure must eat a lot! LOL! So, that brings me to another question that they would like me to ask you... How many birds do they eat every day?