Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Bell Tower - 2012-17

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here are some photos from when we were down there - there is one photos and now click on arrow to left and you will see all the others click on picture first and then you will see arrow to left

yesterday, Sunday june9 Peter an d I went down as we had not heard or seen male and no food since early morning

here is report ... Well, i left with a pillow and took muscle relaxants and my pain killers and headed down to Bell.  Emyrauld  took notes and watched cam at home and I am so glad my friends here came through also things were off today. I had not heard male and female kept getting of f kids and going to ledge and back. no feed had been had since early in morning. so I was concerned if we had 2 falcons still. I think we have all learned that we cannot take things for granted. my times are approximate as I was looking and then writng

Well we got there at about 3:30. There was a falcon on the ledge and true to form, it would go  in and then back to ledge.  We did not start taking picutres till later as we were too busy scouring area for falcons. Lots of pigeons and gulls - then this one , from E notes, it was female, started to fly around  the building  an dthen out south a bit and then back to ledge, then inside and up on ledge again. and then flew off and flew around area and then soared above us and then was off out north and out of sight

3:40pm -then we saw another falcon flying and land on ledge( this had to be male) We are sure we have 2 now ( as we did not see one that flew way out north return)Then this falcon went inside.it is the male

3:50pm - m came on to ledge and then went back inside
3:51pm - back on to ledge again  

3:54pm- we now see a falcon flying and soaring above the Epcor building a bit to north  of Bell .I t was great to see it flying and soaring and then it soared behind Bell and then above Bell and then flew onto ledge from southwest( female)  . We now see male to left of it also. ( E reports talking between falcons at that time)

3:57pm - She flew off and headed south and went out  of sight between tall buildings
other falcon (M) flew off and went around TD building and then out east a bit and then back and I lost sight of it at TD building. But no one returned to ledge. So we waited. rain and all. We have 2 falcons. no aggression, comfortable with each other

We had a guy from bus depot try to hit us up for money. Unlucky him, I was in no mood today. I would have bought him lunch but not given money. Funny how they just want money, no food.

About 4:15pm falocn flies in with prey in talon, lands on second ledge over and then takes off again and flies around building, to  east  of Bell and then around back of Bell and back up to ledge of Bell and inside. We know  that this was Female.  so male is around TD building somewhere And I heard him on ledge jsut a bit ago.  so all appears well for now 

I think this male is new this year and is young and is in training. I have never seen him feed yet but i f you look back, you will see a video of him doming in with food twice while female was there and want to fee d chicks. He is a cutie. I thin k we just had 2 chicks at the time

Pictures coming. 

I could use a little less drama this year and I do not think I am going  to get it.  And yes , all got fed well. Little one got fed towards end of feed. he shou d be O.k. no wbut I will continue to monitor  Female here just chups and male has more of a whine. Female has white tip on tail feathers

I e-mailed Gord on Friday late afternoon and told him that our 4th chick was in trouble. So early Sat morning Gord went and removed it and the egg. He wastes no time so to cause as little disturbance as possible. Gord e-mailed me to let me know  that it was right call. It was just feeding of f egg yolk and would not have lasted much longer. so with proper feeding it should be fine.It weighed 25 grams , which Gord said  it meant it probably was 30 grams at birth.  I  watched very carefully because I do not want to be alarmist.  It was born on JUne 6 . that night I saw female give it a feed by itself, but on June 7 mom was off and on quite a bit and one chick was on its own for over an hour. It was not small one though. during the 2 feeds that day, little one got none as others wer on top of him. By time he got loose , food gone.  Sat morning it could lift head so I was so glad to see Gord.


--- Quote from: soaring west on June 09, 2013, 22:17 ---Went down to Bell Tower to watch. Them flying . They are much higher then the nest at U of A. hard to tell who is who.

--- End quote ---

I hope you took your binoculars with you.  8)

soaring west:
Went down to Bell Tower to watch. Them flying . They are much higher then the nest at U of A. hard to tell who is who.


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