Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Bell Tower - 2012-17

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JUne 3

yesterday and today were good days. WE knwo we will bumps along the way but hopefully not too many

here is a slideshow with some of today's photos

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well day one was not a great one. the first feed did not come till just before 10pm. E4 is great with the chick, but the male has let her down. WE monitored carefully and all was going so well, but he seems to have stopped in his tracks today. if feed had not  come in, it  may have been the  first and last day for chick here.
had a great feed. and at 12:03 am , she went out an brought more. she has it at box. breakfast I hope.

so we will see what tomorrow brings.

pictures from  today.

first look at chick(she leaves 4 eggs and comes back to a teenager)


male only showed up to steal quail

he takes it away

thanks soaring WEst for coming in here.

YOU will notice we have a chick at Bell. this has been a difficult set of circuamstances. It has been in process since eggs were replaced with dummies.

the fact of the matter is, they are dong repairs on Bell building shortly and will have to go up right in front of openings. this would not be a good thing for 4 chicks .They are citing public safety for work at this time.

E4 is a capable female and this was never an issue. She is a great femlae. One of the best, i know . Very protective . location not the best for chicks but such is the urban trap .

the new male , has been doing what he should. E4 has been fed , he goes to box and yesterday he was by eggs 3 times and this morning , once already. so that was not  an issue either.

The decision was made that she deserved to have a chick. She is 14 years old and has produced a lot of young over the years, bu tthe chick had to be able to self -regulate its temperature , in case , adults have to be off ledge .

So today DR. Court, gave her an older chick and we are hoping for good outcome.
watching her try and brood her this morning was precious. It had different ideas.

I will post pictures later

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: soaring west on June 02, 2016, 11:23 ---E4 had four eggs , came back and had a teenager in the nest. :)

--- End quote ---

Funnily enough, that doesn't seem to phase them in the least!!  Loved watching them when we added foster chicks to nests, it was like they were counting and then shrugged it off and it was back to normal!

soaring west:
June 1
Dr. Court gave them a larger chick to have, and took out the dummy eggs.
At first E4 was trying real hard to tuck it under her, to no avail.
Then she figured out that if she put her wing up on the board the chick could fit under(like a tent)
but, she still wants to shimmy the chick under her, that won't happen.
E4 has feed it a few times, but I have not seen much of the male after he stole the quail that Dr. Court stashed right by the nest.
E4 had four eggs , came back and had a teenager in the nest. :)
When Bev has time she will give a better update.


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