Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Bell Tower - 2012-17

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E4 has been identified as our female again
Big Red is the male . He is a 2011 captive bred. But great thing is he was hacked on Pembina in 2012 and has made it. He is turning out to be a very goo d mate

cam has been down this weekend and we do expect egg will be there when cam goes up

egg1- may3-1:21pm
egg2 may5-10:03pm
egg3 May8-7:55am

if we see egg 4 - it will probably be May10-later in day

We did have Hamish back but he was run off by Bog Red. Hopefully he is O.K.
E4 after egg 3

here is Big Red

you can look at anything in my albums. I do not only have Bell and U of A so you may have to sift through

soaring west:
E4 and Big Red now have 3 eggs.

The Peregrine Chick:

Bev our intrepid Edmonton spotter has been keeping an eye on this site during our downtime and will undoubtedly post updates shortly.


--- Quote from: soaring west on July 16, 2013, 10:23 ---
Can you believe, that late at night, the chick grandma went out to check. :)

--- End quote ---

Oh yes soaring west, I can believe this.  Bev is such a trooper when it comes to helping these amazing Falcons!!

soaring west:
Last night I went to Bell tower, and sat for about 10 minutes before I heard the sound. For all of you the Bell ledge is way up there(reminds me of the friendly giant). But to the east was one flying and landed on the ATB tower ledge, than came the feather clouds raining down. Then as I moved the truck one started to decline slowly from the same area and l thought it was going to land on the truck, but turned and landed on a short building in front of me. Than noisy one with food came in and than left with it. I ran around to the front and found one eating on the upper ledge of that building. I than went to the parkade to get a better look but it was not in the same spot. Scanned one end to the other and found one down on the lowest part of the building and could not jump up to the ledge to get out. Than raced home to find Bev`s phone #.

Can you believe, that late at night, the chick grandma went out to check. :)


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