Translation from Dutch
first observation - posted by: Ronald STONE / date: June 25, 2012, 8:03 p.m.
A first observation of the dead young learned that apart from a stiff leg more was going on. The condition that the gap in the first 3 days, the rose can not catch up. Far from even. The first impression it made was that it definitely does not look like a young 30 days old. It looked much younger.
weight - At home I have the young directly on the scales. It weighed only 73, 9 grams where the expected weight at that age around the 145 grams. A young 9 days weighs around 75 grams, which for comparison.
wing - The wing length was significantly behind. At an age of 30 days, measuring a wing normally between 124 and 126 millimeters. Measurement at this young yielded only a meager 53 mm at a normal size for a youngster of 14 days.
condition - With the aid of the age and weight, we can calculate the condition index. When a young, which is in good condition fluctuates around the one (margin 10%). The calculation for this young comes out at 0.5. Thus there is a very poor structural condition and growth retardation. What we all images on basis of suspicion, now confirmed, this young was in such bad condition that it is never on our own cabinet would have to leave, let alone outside the cabinet could survive.
further research - These are just the bare facts. Further research might learn the cause of the poor condition. The prey supply in recent weeks can not lie, that was enough for the young to feed. Once we know more we bring you up to date.