For some reason, a post of mine showed up twice this morning. I can't figure out how to delete one of them. When I go into the "modify" screen, there's no delete option. Is it something I can do, or does TPC have to do it?
The forum has a delete function that is available to the forum administrator and to any moderators that might exist on the Forum. If you have duplicate posts, we'll delete the duplicate for you automatically as soon as we get to it, so no need to worry about it. If there is a post you would like deleted for other reasons, just send me a PM (private message) and I can handle it for you, again no problem.
And yes, there is a modify function and you can change your post, even if its just to say "duplicate post" or something similar and we'll get the message and delete if for you. Duplicating posts isn't a problem, it just can mean that the forum was busy at that moment and it registered your post twice. No harm, no foul, it happens to everyone! And yes, the modify function works for 15 minutes after posting, the theory being that that should be enough time to be sure that the message you are posting is what you mean to say.
"Bad" words are words that are inappropriate for a PG-13 forum, which this is. Now this may be a word that is obviously inappropriate in public or it could be a word that has been substituted for an inappropriate word (or words) to get around the forum's automatic censor so unfortunately, it has been added to the list. As for adding in a "bad" word to get a post deleted, yes it will probably get your post deleted, however, the downside is that it interferes with your reputation (good standing status) on the Forum, so adding a censored word really isn't the route to go.

If you check out the Forum Rules, you will get a pretty comprehensive list of what is allowed and what isn't in terms of forum etiquette.