Don't know where to put this....
From the Grand Forks Herald,
"They can’t say for sure yet, but local birders seem fairly convinced that Terminator and Roosevelt have returned once again to Grand Forks. The peregrine falcon couple, a local item since 2009, was spotted this week nesting atop a tower on the UND campus, where they were relocated from their original domicile on the late “Smiley” water tower."
These are Smiley's parents, if I got the family tree right.
Took a little shopping trip to Grand Forks and Fargo for the weekend, thought I better check this out. Stores don't open until 12:00 and had to be out of the hotel by 11:00, so I tortured my family and made them take me to UND campus to check out the water tower. (My family does not share my bird passion - I often hear, "it's just a bird, Mom.") Sure enough, some birdie was sitting preening himself on the tower. Dennis's Wowzer would have been able to read his ID tags. He was cleaning his feet and kept on sticking them out for easy viewing. I am guessing Mom was on the eggs.
I took a couple of pictures - just have to find the right cord to download the pictures off the camera. Will post when I do.