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Videos: Eagles

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Thank you so much, Rcf.  :) :-*


--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on March 30, 2012, 16:29 ---I received an email today about a swimming eagle. It was fascinating. The footage was taken at Mallard Lake in Baton Rouge, La. Someone had shot and killed a Nutria (a beaver like rodent) and it was floating in the water. I am having difficulting with the link, however, if you google swimming eagle of Baton Rouge you will bring up the link on youtube. This is amazing. :o

--- End quote ---

Great video. It looked so funny seeing the eagle swim!

I received an email today about a swimming eagle. It was fascinating. The footage was taken at Mallard Lake in Baton Rouge, La. Someone had shot and killed a Nutria (a beaver like rodent) and it was floating in the water. I am having difficulting with the link, however, if you google swimming eagle of Baton Rouge you will bring up the link on youtube. This is amazing. :o


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