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Videos: Eagles

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--- Quote from: susha on August 14, 2012, 20:38 ---This is a most beautiful story!

Beauty and the Beak
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Tearing up just now..very nicely told story. I think I heard about Beauty before but didn't really understand how the "beak" had been secured to the underlying structures. Wow, what a feat! Thank you for sharing this.

This is a most beautiful story!

Beauty and the Beak

That's an amazing video of a swimming eagle! Never seen anything quite like it. That eagle just would not give up. 8)

Thanks for the link, rcf and for the heads-up, gemcity!

I've heard of the Hornby Island eagles doing this same thing when their prey has been too heavy to lift - they swim it to shore.  Amazing and resourceful creatures!


--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on March 30, 2012, 18:02 ---Thank you so much, Rcf.  :) :-*

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Your Welcome!  ;)


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