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Videos: Eagles

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Yikes! :o Wouldn't have wanted to be grocery shopping at that supermarket when the eagles arrived for a fish fillet dinner! :P

What a great video of so many of those magnificent birds.
With that pickup and car for size comparison, it is not surprising that no one wanted to approach such large raptors.

Oh my goodness! I half expected to see Tippi Hedren come along and drop her bag of groceries in horror. I'm rather thankful now that all I get in my supermarket parking lot is the flock of seagulls. :)

Very interesting video to watch!

Flash Mob of 40 Bald Eagles Gather for Free Lunch at Alaskan supermarket
Read Story - Watch Video ===>

(cut and paste to your browser.)

Wow. Totally mesmerizing! The goshawk one (also found at this link) was neat-o too!


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