Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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You know this is the second time in the past few weeks, I've read about a falcon on a nest possibly being a breeders bird.  I can't remember the other place I read about it but it was somewhere in the US and was a female as well.  I know this will sound awful but all I could think was 'yay, she escaped and she's free to soar the skies now'..!

Glad to hear about Ivy too... :D

The Peregrine Chick:
And no, you guys don't get to name her.  We need to figure out her personality some before we start to narrow down our options.  If we find out she had a name we can hyphenate it later on.

The Peregrine Chick:
Okey, dokey.  Today (Easter Sunday) was a banner day for the WW birds.  Its a pair, same as last year.  Male is Ivy, Trey's son from the 2005 hatch from the nestbox on the Radisson.  He has been coming back to the City every year since he hatched.  In 2006 he nested unsuccessfully with his sister Lucy in WW.  The following year he hooked up with a different female but we could never get her band number - heck we could never get close enough to either of them to be absolutely positive in 2007!  In 2008 however Ivy returned after Princess and came to visit her at the Radisson, Trey "escorted" him out when he (Trey) returned a few days later.  This morning I was able to read his band clearly and its him.  The female will be a mystery, maybe for good, maybe just for awhile.  She doesnt' have bands per se.  She has a breeder's band or ringband on her right leg and nothing on her other leg.  Saw her here last year and got a very good look at her feet today.  Unfortunately, the only way we might be able to identify her is if we get very close AND if there are some identifying numbers on her band.  Something to look forward to.

The Peregrine Chick:
I don't know why our birds are back faster, but I think the fact that they didn't successfully raise chicks last year may well have something to do with it.  I'm inclined to think that they were early returners and were on this side of the bands of snowstorms that pummelled Minnesota and the Dakotas (and southern Manitoba) and that they surfed their way into town right before they hit us here.  We have seen transmittered birds stall when they hit storms so there is no way that Trey and Princess flew through them. 

I have been keeping an eye on the hawkwatch results and there have been almost no peregrine sightings report - well there have been some but there have probably been 50x more kestrels and many more merlins than peregrines.  And we know that there are peregrines nesting (in some cases lots nesting) where these hawkwatches are located.

Trey and Princess were back early - and since they haven't nested yet, it looks like they may have taken a break before getting down to the business of courting, but time will tell if that is right.  If they lay their first egg about the 18th, then they will be nesting pretty much as per the norm.  I would be getting concerned that the birds weren't going to return if we didn't see anything by early May.  We have had them nest later - and Radisson in Edmonton did nest later last year - so we are far from running out of time!


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 07, 2009, 10:14 ---No we aren't divulging where the birds are hanging out, not because we don't want to share but because it makes it difficult for the building managers to do their jobs.  If the birds decide to nest and if the building management & occupants don't have a problem become a focus of potentially intense public attention (which includes things like increased security and safety), then I will reconsider the Project's decision.

The Peregrine Chick

--- End quote ---
Well said, T.  I, for one, will not try to figure it out. 


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