Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Well she is the goddess after all how else do you think these stories come about?

The Peregrine Chick:
The birds haven't started nesting yet and there was not attempt to take over the territory, just seemed like a peregrine passing through, or perhaps even Princess being informed that the real estated had been sold so to speak.  There was alot of flying, flipping and yelling and then Ivy and the female were back no fuss.

Wow!  What an exicting story.  You do it so well Tracy.  It does feel like I was actually there.  Thanks.  I just hope no Peregrine gets hurt in all this.  I know it is nature but I just don't want any bird getting hurt or worse.

thanks Tracy. that was exciting.  the first female came back, right. I must have missed that.

Good thing I do not live in Winnipeg eh!!!!

And the season has begun. :) :)

Excellent story!!  It felt like we were right there!  


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