Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:
For our non-Winnipeg viewers, Winnipeg isn't that big in actual fact.  From every nestsite used in this City, you can see the other sites without optical assistance in fact.  There is a building, not quite in the middle of the city that I might be able to get a 360 degree panoramic view of this year ... that might give folks a better sense of the size of the city and how big/not big the territories actually are ...

.. may have to talk to Dennis ....

that is a wide territory isn't it, that theRAdisson pair has.
Hope this pair has some eggs soon

The Peregrine Chick:
0800 hrs - no one was around at the Diner or the Bleachers.  Hopefully they are at The B&B working on the next generation, its about that time (just).  It was also 2nd breakfast time to perhaps they were off getting take-out.

It's amazing actually..last year, I saw a peregrine flying toward the "Kildonan" area.  I was on the bridge going downtown and he/she was going the other way, perhaps dinner  :D


--- Quote from: bccs on April 26, 2009, 13:36 ---
--- Quote from: bcbird on April 26, 2009, 01:02 ---
--- Quote from: allikat on April 25, 2009, 19:19 ---
The more falcon spotters, the better...more volunteers with towels, sweatshirts or jackets when "fledge watch" is on, the better!

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For a second I had a vision of the volunteers wearing jackets and sweatshirts with Fledge Watch written on them.  Then I reread the comment and understood.  Might be a cool idea, though probably not in the neighbour hood where the nest is a secret!

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No where near the west, I'm talking downtown. And you could sport almost any type of clothing and nobody would bat an eye.
The west is safe from publicity. Up to Tracy to spill the beans on that location :-X :-X

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No no..the open invitation, so to speak, fledge watch was for our downtown pair.  I respect the fact the WW's location is secret. 


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