Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Nope!  And I think ballywing was saying the same thing.  I've seen one sitting in a few places, but have yet to see flight at all.  I guess I'm just spoiled this year because we're so far ahead.  Last year, we were just getting started at this time!  I'm sure (hope) that when the eggs hatch, they'll spend more time at the hotel, and then I'll see them. 

Oops, didn't mean to change the topic of this thread.   

That's the hard part..keeping focus on the road  ::)
I usually pull over to watch...but this was so unexpected  :D

(neither one of you have seen P &/or T, fly around downtown?)

allikat, I haven't had that experience yet this year.  I'm hoping that once P&T's chicks hatch, they'll go back to the antennas on the Radisson.  I hope you see it again many times over the summer -- just keep one eye on the road! LOL 

I've never seen anybody flying anywhere yet!!  >:(

Oh was wonderful.  I've seen them flying around the area... but it's just different when they fly right above you.   ;D


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