Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Lunch break today in the west-end found...nothing at all the locations  :'(
even had the camera this week-end.
Same for downtown... :'(
Haven't given up yet...TPC and I have looked for birds in the snow !!

Cheers !


--- Quote from: BirdLover on September 27, 2009, 08:55 ---What! No camera???  I thought it was surgically attached.   :P

--- End quote ---
Me too, BirdLover! ;)

What! No camera???  I thought it was surgically attached.   :P

You're never going to live this down Bob. ;)

Sorry, it was the Diner and not the B&B that I had posted.  :-[ and just how do you think I felt...with no camera  :( :(


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