Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:
BOT (back on topic)

Dennis has this marvelous little powerpoint presentation of Jules and Ivy exchanging food in mid-air.  If you haven't seen it yet, you should pm him with your email address.  I also hope to add it to our photo gallery (I'm a wee bit behind there) this weekend and I'll post a link here for those of you who are determined to wait ...

omg.. now she's dangling bait in front of me.

Loriann -  based on a scale of 1 to 10...I like you more than 10! and you "took" the bait!

no worries, TCONA - though I think you posted this in the wrong thread (and seriously, there is a LOT wrong with this thread now).

you'll get the hang of all of this.  and you can always ask!

LORIANN!!!!!!    :P


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