Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2011 / Roosevelt & Terminator

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Last Friday (July 8th) I went to Grand Forks for the day.  On our way home we detoured past the UND water tower to check out the Grand Forks nest box located on the tower.  Sure enough, it is exactly where Tracy said it would be (NE side) and perched on the edge of the box were two beautiful chicks.  Both parents were sitting on the railing not far from the box and not all that far apart from each other.  We drove up to the base of the tower on the UND campus so the viewing angle was not the greatest.  But the tower isn’t all that tall so the birds were clearly visible.  We only saw 2 chicks – assume the 3rd was snoozing further back in the box out of sight.  I would guesstimate these chicks are a few days behind the Brandon chicks.  They still had lots of fluff in amongst their beautiful brown juvie feathers.  I did take some pictures… but they aren’t very good.  The lighting was wrong, the angle poor, and my camera just doesn’t have enough zoom power!  However, they do show the nest box, the two chicks and the location of the parents in comparison to each other and the box.  Anyone going to Grand Forks in the next couple of weeks should definitely check out this site!

These should be clickable thumbnails – if you click on the photo it should open up to full size (I hope!).

Both parents...

Nest box...

Mom or Dad...

Dad or Mom...

Nest box...

That's great that you are going to visit this GF nest site, Leana. :D I always find it so interesting to visit other nest sites, if I get the chance.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Leana on July 07, 2011, 14:45 ---Like msdolittle said, my camara is a toy compared to Dennis'! 
--- End quote ---

Pretty much everyone's cameras are toys next to Dennis'!  :D

Well now a visit to the UND water tower tomorrow is DEFINITELY in my plans.  I will attempt to take some pictures if I see anything and can actually get a picture.  Like msdolittle said, my camara is a toy compared to Dennis'!  How exciting... maybe the GF girls and make friends with the Winnipeg/Brandon boys!!!  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:
The update from Grand Forks is that once again, Roosevelt and Terminator have had three chicks and again they are two females and a male.  This pair has been together for three years now, and this their third year together and each year it two females and a male.  Haven't heard if they have names yet (still waiting for that email response) but I do know that they are a couple of weeks behind the Fargo birds.  The Fargo chick fledged early so I think these three still have a couple of weeks, maybe more until fledging.  They are mobile enough now to go walking on the catwalk where their nestbox is located.

More information on names etc when I get it ...


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