Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2011 / Roosevelt & Terminator

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Leana on July 07, 2011, 11:32 ---OK thanks.  Just to make sure I've got the right tower, it's the one located at DeMers and Columbia right?

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Yes. But if I remember correctly, you really can't view it from DeMers, its not that high and there are buildings around it, not to mention the railway lines.  You'll need to access it from the UND campus side, so north of there.

OK thanks.  Just to make sure I've got the right tower, it's the one located at DeMers and Columbia right?

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Leana on July 07, 2011, 10:45 ---Looks like I'm going to GF tomorrow instead of Saturday.  If I get a chance I will drive my the water tower and see if there are any falcons in residence...

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You should be able to see them quite easily Leana, the tower isn't that high - and if I recall the box is on the northeast side on the railing.  If I get an update today I'll be sure to post it asap in case that helps you see them better ...

Looks like I'm going to GF tomorrow instead of Saturday.  If I get a chance I will drive my the water tower and see if there are any falcons in residence...

The Peregrine Chick:
I haven't heard anything and I can't see any new photos on the gallery so I'll email my contact tonight ... also haven't found any news stories, which is unusual, or maybe they were just that delayed ...


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