When we got to Clinical Science, something had Radisson and male riled up . They were swooping and diving and we were on 13th floor waiting for Gord.(inside) When Gord came, he said someone had to be out there somewhere ,but we never found out who.
So Gord knew they would be fiesty today. But they swooped and never bothered Rick when he went up to get babies. Mom spent most of her item on Maz watching us while dad swooped .
Do not be worried when you see babies on backs etc. they just take them down in their hands and then if they choose to lay sideways Gord just lets them chill. He examined them and all were healthy. The one male is smaller but Gord said not too small. He said he will be a cracker jack in the sky(just what I need :sunsmile: ) I am nail biting already after other site seasons.
I took a back seat and let others hold the chicks while bands were put on and tape. ONe male is huge and so may be borderline. WE will see. Peter held a chick and Becky(who helps a lot) was just beaming . You can see from pictures.
I did 2 slideshows . One of the flying display and one of chicks. Some pictures are hazy. We are not camera experts like some. Peter jsut loves the flying .
The one red band female scooted off right away long by white ladders. They were noisier than usual but i think because parents were spooked before we even got there.
I have some of Becky's pictures to post but I will do it later.