Gord went up and cleaned cam on Wednesday may 11, did you notice?

will probably still get moisture when it rains, but my fingers are crossed for new ones. Maybe too late for this year but....I will take what I can get for now. Almost had none.
Same male as last year. 5/D (H/V)
he is younger brother of our male from 2004 till now. He used to be at High level bridge until he came here last year. Bridge is jsut a spit away from University. Now Gord says there is a lone female. But there is a lone male at another bridge site way across the city. We will see what happens.
Now to try and ID our female. I am certain it is Radisson but...So with clean cams I will try, and if you are watching and get it, it will be appreciated.

Peter and I go down and check , jsut to make sure there is always 2, and no problems. I check cam also. We are not quite used to this male at this time of year so we are learning .
A few shots
click on picutres