I was reading the NEWS on the forum main page about having three pair of falcons nesting this year and I believe the female is Hurricane. Photo's taken at slightly different angles. Looks like the same birdie to me.
My first response is that you were looking at the bird RCF so you have the best guess ... however, if I were answering that question from the two photos, I would be saying "might be". Why you ask? It could just be the lighting, but the belly markings on the bird in the top photo look darker and denser and the cap looks fuller. But I say again, could just be the lighting, top photo is darker and the bottom photo has the light shining directly on the bird's breast/belly which could be punching up the whiter bits.
And no, I'm not being a party pooper. Ask Dennis, I do this to him, and his photos, every spring when the birds first come back and we haven't got band numbers yet.
So to reiterate, until we have band numbers, I'm willing to say that we suspect they are Hurricane and Brooklyn from last year - but keep taking photos RCF! No need to post them all here, but do put them in your gallery on Photobucket and we'll keep whittling away at her/their ID. And if there should be another coup this year, you will have photographic proof of who else came a calling.