Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules

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How disappointing.  How quickly the excitement turns to sorrow.  From witnessing a successful fledge to only watch it end in tragedy.  

Beau and Jules will continue to guard their domain and circle their sky.  Perhaps next year, we will watch their chicks fly!

Early Monday morning I went by the nest site. I saw Beau on the north-east corner, Jules and Polo on the north-west. I sat and watched them for a bit and saw Polo do some wingersizing which annoyed Jules. She flew to the south-west corner and , that's the picture that is imprinted in my head and will never leave. 3 beautiful falcons standing sentinel over their domain.

Today I saw Beau on the north-east corner, no sign of Jules.

It was a lonely sight.


--- Quote from: Liz on July 27, 2011, 20:26 ---Thank you, Dennis.  :)

--- End quote ---
Yes, thank you Dennis.

Thank you, Dennis.  :)

A few more photos have been added.


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