Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules
Heartfelt thoughts go out to all who cared about Polo. Fledge watch must be so stressful, my appreciation to those who can do it. Jules and Beau were wonderful parents. :'(
I made my post in the Raddison thread instead of this one and so didn't see the sad news. So sorry to read that.
--- Quote from: allikat on July 27, 2011, 21:49 ---How disappointing. How quickly the excitement turns to sorrow. From witnessing a successful fledge to only watch it end in tragedy.
Beau and Jules will continue to guard their domain and circle their sky. Perhaps next year, we will watch their chicks fly!
--- End quote ---
:) Very Poetic Allikat. So very poignant.
Bless you Dennis for all your love & concern for the falcons and all the other wildlife you cherish and share with us through your photo's. Be comforted by all the nature around you.
ESP Chickita:
I am so sorry to hear about Polo - another beautiful bird meets such an unfortunate circumstance. That is such sad news, so sorry that you had to go through that TPC and Dennis - but thankful that you were there to retrieve Polo and not leave him as so many other animals are left. Poor little guy. :'(
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