Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules
The Peregrine Chick:
at 1030 hrs local
Beau and Jules are currently hanging out at the site Jules tried to nest on in 2009 and where she lost all her eggs. We do have a nestsite nearby so we are positive yet if they are seriously considering the site or just hanging out there because its pretty sheltered from the wind. We hope they aren't seriously considering it of course, so we'll be keeping and extra close eye on them for the next little while ...
Went for a drive at 5:30 after work, swung by the Dinner and spotted one of the birds, then swung by the bleachers and spotted the other. Did a little shopping then swung by the two spots again just before 7:30. They were in the same spots as before and seemed to have little concern about the snow coming down.
Please see note telephoned from TPC about the tutorial in uploading photos section.
My husband and I were out on our scooters this afternoon, taking in the sun and having a snack. On the way home at about 3:45 we swung by the nest building (is that the B&B?) and saw one of the peregrines scanning the area from their usual ledge. Suddenly it took off, then we saw two peregrines circling the skies and one was very high up. While the peregrine was perched my husband waved at it, he does humor me alot.
i got some photos sent to me and headed straight here.
Great news :-*
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