Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules
Helen b:
I love it
Courtesy of Dennis:
Hmm, the print is not coming out too clearly:
Beau (or Mr X) "Well, Jules, what do you think?"
Jules "Last year I had a want me to have this....Perhaps we will keep looking!"
Beau and Jules:
Don't make me come down there and give you two a talking to! That will NOT be pretty!
Fledge watch will not be nice at all if they chose a site other than the one they were at last year. I sure hope they change their minds and get back to the good nest box.
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 18, 2011, 10:51 ---at 1030 hrs local
Beau and Jules are currently hanging out at the site Jules tried to nest on in 2009 and where she lost all her eggs. We do have a nestsite nearby so we are positive yet if they are seriously considering the site or just hanging out there because its pretty sheltered from the wind. We hope they aren't seriously considering it of course, so we'll be keeping and extra close eye on them for the next little while ...
--- End quote ---
Fledge watch won't be near as nice if that's what they decide.
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