Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules

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Thanks for the update BccS!
Appreciate it very much!

Falcon at the bleechers at 6:30 this morning being very vocal.

A few new photos have been added to the West Winnipeg Gallery.

Drove by last year's nest site yesterday afternoon, no sightings but did ask a workman about work being done.  Window washers were at the highest windows on one side.  Apparently roofing had just finished on a nearby building, more roofing to be done on a larger flat-roofed area nearby, and bids were in for other buildings including nesting one.  Bidding to working takes time and owners have been co-operative, so just keeping you up to date on what a worker told me.

Nobody at the bleachers at 6:30 today.


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