Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules

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Had a chance to see them both this weekend. One of them was perched on a building in the rain and snow... didn't see him move much all day.... then off Sunday and haven't seen since....

Sorry wrong link, try this one for the new West Winnipeg Photos.

The Peregrine Chick:
Spent about an hour hanging out with Beau and Jules this evening before the sun went down and other than a little loving at sunset, it was pretty much just hanging around and not doing much.  Might indicate that they are about to start laying eggs or it might take a wee bit longer.  They were not giving any hints as to what they are going to do where.  I'm afraid that it will take that first egg to before we'll know for sure!

New photos have been added to the West Winnipeg Gallery.

Yes bccs thanks for the update.  Did you yell at that bird to go back to the right place?


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