Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules
Was he wearing a transmitter? Looked like it in entry 146??
What a horrible thing to have had to witness. So sorry. Just so sorry.
Ah, but he had two of the best, rcf. A hundred fledge-watchers couldn't have prevented this sad event. TPC has been concerned about this site since Jules chose it to lay the eggs, obviously with good reason, as the sad results of this nest have shown.
Next year, let's hope that these lovebirds make better choices :)
It's really too bad little Polo didn't have a whole bunch of fledge watchers like the Radisson kids had. :(
Doing some catching up here, and read the news about Polo. I'm so has been a tough year for Jules & Beau.
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