Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2011 / Beau & Jules
Mother Hen:
Sad news for sure!
Such sad news about this beautiful young bird. :'( Thanks so much for the amazing photo Dennis.
I am just so sad about Polo's death. :'( I am so sorry, TPC & Dennis. You have both cared for this little guy so very much. I know that you did all that you could do, to protect him, under the circumstances. My thoughts are with you both. And what a wonderful photo of Polo, Dennis. :) What a beautiful, beautiful bird he was.
--- Quote from: susha on July 26, 2011, 21:17 ---Ah, but he had two of the best, rcf. A hundred fledge-watchers couldn't have prevented this sad event. TPC has been concerned about this site since Jules chose it to lay the eggs, obviously with good reason, as the sad results of this nest have shown.
Next year, let's hope that these lovebirds make better choices :)
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Yes, but two people can't be everywhere at the same time, more people, more area to watch.
--- Quote from: des on July 26, 2011, 21:31 ---Was he wearing a transmitter? Looked like it in entry 146??
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Yes des, he was wearing a transmitter. You can't mistake the wire protruding from his back.
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