Author Topic: Red//Blue "who's online" ?  (Read 69051 times)

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Offline Enraptured

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2008, 21:25 »
Maybe TPC's red because she's all-seeing, all-access privileges, etc. on this site and so when she started she was red and it never changed once she became a hatchling, chick, etc because she is privileged with the all-access pass and so "the site makers that be" always want her to stand out regardless of number of posts, seeing as the we, the more 'common folk' post, we all turn blue and thus get lost in the mix a little more. And of course, in any 'community' we always want to know who's in charge or 'special' and who's 'new' so we can be aware/observant, so to speak (pretending we're from a small kingdom/village of a past age!)...

Offline Liz

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2008, 21:18 »
I've never seen you red (altho you prob were at beginning).  That's why I thought it was about how many posts we've made.  But TPC being red sometimes is the conundrum! 

Offline deedream

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2008, 21:12 »
ha ha,,,, yes Liz, this is the way I am,  ha ha, well what do I think? ;D hmmm,, that I have been blue for lonnnnnnnnng time!  I am like BcBird ,I can't remember what the frig color I wuz in the beginning, too much else to figure out I expect.  I have observed that ALL the newbys or ones who do not post much are ALWAYs red!and....... TPC been RED ever since I can remember!    ALL you regular guys like me,,,,,,, Liz, enraptured, bcbird, pchemist, skygirlblue, eagle_63, etc, etc, are always blue and have been for days.  But whenever I log on and there is only a few and I have to think, well who are they,,,,,, type thing? , lol,,,,  they are red!!!!!!!!!! and they are new as in, new to post, have only posted comments less than 10 20 times type thing.  Never got into checking when they joined and all that, Liz and ya'all!!   Left that up to you guys.

I thought at one point that it had something to do with logging in, and being on the site, and that you were blue,,,,,,,,,,, but if you just closed your window, and did not log out? right? that maybe aperson stayed logged in and turned red?  Dont know how to check that. ?  Have ANY of you ever seen me red? Cause I have not. LOL This is so silly it is funny/!!

Offline Liz

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2008, 21:02 »
AAcchkkk!  (does that sound like a falcon coughing up a feather-ball?) 

Yes. eggs are red.  And maybe T is red because it's her sandbox.  Maybe they should change her to purple, so we know she's the queen of the sandbox!   ;D ;D ;D

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2008, 20:58 »
Hey, that's a good point, bcbird! My sister became a member today and I'll give her a call and ask her to log on and also ask what her member name is and then I'll check that point about 'eggs' being red.  Will get back to you once I've 'sleuthed' for a mo.

Offline bcbird

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2008, 20:55 »
This is a great topic!
I'm voting for eggs are red so everyone knows who the newest users are.  
TPC is red because she is very special, and I can't be certain I've ever seen her blue.
Sadly when I was an egg, I don't remember noticing this feature, and can't be certain I changed from red to blue at my hatching!

Offline Liz

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2008, 20:51 »
deedream...  hmmm.  You're sounding like me when I don't have enough sleep!  lol 

As I said, I came to the conclusion that eggs are red, and hatchlings and chicks are blue.  It doesn't seem to have to do with when the last time one was online (the "15 minutes of fame" thing, which was a really good idea!).   But if TPC is sometimes red, who knows! -- Maybe she can pick her own colour!  Okay, we know she doesn't know either.  Perhaps the people running the site can tell her.  But I'm guessing she's too busy to check into that. 

Keep on sleuthing, people!   ;D ;D ;D

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2008, 20:50 »
I, too, was really glad someone actually asked the question as I'd been wondering all along as well. But, now that we can't figure it out, it's driving me crazy! Like a puzzle you can't figure out, but you know there's a solutions so you keep working at it... I've been checking things out and can't see the rhyme or reason, either....yet!   ???

Offline deedream

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2008, 20:42 »
I am lovin this!  ROTFLOL,,, oh my goodness. too funny, Liz and Pchemist..  I have sat back and watched to see if you could figure it out!  I have thought all that you guys did too!  ha ha..  then said where is Tracy,, why does she not put us out of our misery?? Then she finally says,,, well she does not know either!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So any ways we still have no clue then?

Okay,, here is what I have observed,,,,,,,,,,,  Everyone who has been on here a lot and yakking regular is blue!  Except Tracy.. She is  always red. (but am thinking  maybe she was blue every now and then)

All the rest of us, regular folks who log in everyday and post lots and lots of posts, and are chicks or close to it, are blue.  All the newer or ones who have no posted much at all are red!

However before this thread started, I was lookin and wonderin why I was always blue, and some others were red? including TPC.  I think? (dont know now am confused?lol) but I think that someof you regular folks were red every now and then and thats why I started thinking how come I am not red?  Like  well I am a chick, so hey, make me red also like TPC! Too funny.  Maybe the person or company that looks after this website will take pity on us soon and explain? LOL..Love it.... having a blast. with this red and blue issue.!

Offline Liz

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2008, 19:29 »
I just clicked on LouLouBelle cuz she was showing up as red, but it says she's online so, it's not the "15 minutes of fame" thing. 

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2008, 20:48 »
well at 20:47 we're all blue hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Offline Liz

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2008, 20:41 »
LOL.  Yup! 

Offline eagle63_1999

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2008, 20:41 »
muttering people now? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Offline Liz

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2008, 19:54 »
"me muttering too!"

Offline Pchemist

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Re: Red//Blue "who's online" ?
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2008, 19:52 »
Right now that "eggs are red" thing is working.  But since I've seen Tracy red, and some of the other chatty folks red (I'm SURE I have, but not since I've been documenting!!!) that can't be it.
