ha ha,,,, yes Liz, this is the way I am, ha ha, well what do I think?

hmmm,, that I have been blue for lonnnnnnnnng time! I am like BcBird ,I can't remember what the frig color I wuz in the beginning, too much else to figure out I expect. I have observed that ALL the newbys or ones who do not post much are ALWAYs red!and....... TPC been RED ever since I can remember! ALL you regular guys like me,,,,,,, Liz, enraptured, bcbird, pchemist, skygirlblue, eagle_63, etc, etc, are always blue and have been for days. But whenever I log on and there is only a few and I have to think, well who are they,,,,,, type thing? , lol,,,, they are red!!!!!!!!!! and they are new as in, new to post, have only posted comments less than 10 20 times type thing. Never got into checking when they joined and all that, Liz and ya'all!! Left that up to you guys.
I thought at one point that it had something to do with logging in, and being on the site, and that you were blue,,,,,,,,,,, but if you just closed your window, and did not log out? right? that maybe aperson stayed logged in and turned red? Dont know how to check that. ? Have ANY of you ever seen me red? Cause I have not. LOL This is so silly it is funny/!!