Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules
Just started working on West-Winnipeg photos from today (Sunday)... ::) stay tuned ;D
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 25, 2010, 12:13 ---New boy and Jules have been hanging out alot at the Bed & Breakfast over the last couple of days and they have put a very deep scrape in the nestbox that is there. No egg(s) yet, so could still choose the Diner's condo...
--- End quote ---
Okay now, I'm trying to get this straight... are there 2 nestboxes in West Winnipeg? :-\ One called the "nestbox" at the so-called Bed & Breakfast and another called the "new condo" at the so-called Diner? I was under the impression that the peregrines in West Winnipeg did not yet have a "nestbox" and the "new condo" that TPC installed last weekend was the first "nestbox", or rather a new upgraded one. Why is there a need for 2 nestboxes out there? Is it more likely that they will mate and produce young 'uns with an additional nestbox to choose from? ??? Just wondering.
Oh now this is exciting news!!!! A nice scrape made after a romantic getaway!
Now all we need is for an absolutely appealing scrape in the new condo, and an ID!!!
That was my first thought..hope too bcbird, if he's one of the kids from years past! Wouldn't that be something! :-*
Many items of great news!
Jules and gentleman are back.
Scrape in a nest box.
Partial ID of the gentleman.
Might he be another downtown site progeny returned?
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