Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules

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The Peregrine Chick:
Don't take this as gospel, but from their behaviour today (I was visiting with them for hours today), they seem to like the B&B nestbox alot.  Or at least today they did.  Yesterday they were having a hissy fit over at the Bleachers and I thought they were going to consider nesting there!!  I'll have to see where they hang out tomorrow ... but I do think that they should start egg-laying this week.  I checked the B&B box today and nothing there yet.

I know, not the yes or no you were looking for, but enough to keep you all guessing!

NOW the trick is for them to Pleeeeeease USE one of them!!!  ::)

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Kinderchick on April 25, 2010, 19:50 ---Okay now, I'm trying to get this straight... are there 2 nestboxes in West Winnipeg?  :-\ One called the "nestbox" at the so-called Bed & Breakfast and another called the "new condo" at the so-called Diner? I was under the impression that the peregrines in West Winnipeg did not yet have a "nestbox" and the "new condo" that TPC installed last weekend was the first "nestbox", or rather a new upgraded one. Why is there a need for 2 nestboxes out there? Is it more likely that they will mate and produce young 'uns with an additional nestbox to choose from? ??? Just wondering. 
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There are two nestboxes in West Winnipeg.  The first box was installed in 2008 and replaced a box that was installed twenty years ago.  It was visited by Ivy & Jules in 2008 and in 2009 but they didn't use it.  The second nestbox is the condo, its on a different building.  It was installed this year and it is of a different design, more along the lines of some of the boxes used elsewhere - sort of like Elk River or U of A but tweaked for the specific location.


--- Quote from: photosbydennis on April 25, 2010, 20:32 ---Just started working on West-Winnipeg photos from today (Sunday)... ::) stay tuned  ;D

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Awesome Dennis!!!  Can't wait to see if you captured any photos of this new male!!!


--- Quote from: photosbydennis on April 25, 2010, 20:32 ---Just started working on West-Winnipeg photos from today (Sunday)... ::) stay tuned  ;D
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Oooooo!!! Can't wait to see them, Dennis! ;D


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