Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules
Sure got MY attention, when I saw the heading of "Beau & Jules"! Thought you had an ID! :o I do like his new "temporary" name, though. ;)
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 01, 2010, 01:46 ---We are narrowing down the possibilites for Jules' new mate's name ... and it doesn't look like he has a name. You know what that means ;). I keep call him "Jule's new beau" so for the time being, Beau it is ...
--- End quote ---
I liked Mr. X...and SK & ER :P
Perfect choice, TPC! :)
The Peregrine Chick:
We are narrowing down the possibilites for Jules' new mate's name ... and it doesn't look like he has a name. You know what that means ;). I keep call him "Jule's new beau" so for the time being, Beau it is ...
--- Quote from: ballywing on April 30, 2010, 20:25 ---Yes, To make a long story short - TPC went and 'borrowed' some chicks from Edmonton I think it was ??? - in hopes that P&T would 'adopt' them as they'd just lost their own chicks. TPC worked day & night, feeding, transporting, watching, she put the 3 chicks in the nestbox & babysat them there. - There are some great photos and the whole fascinating story in the Peregrine Chick Blog, you must read it!!! ;D.... (Check out the 2008 Blog 'The Parent Trap - Days 1-8) Unfortunately, P&T said 'Thanks but No Thanks' and the chicks had to go back. :-\ The Phanatics found out via the Blog story after it was all over, it was a top secret project! 8)
--- End quote --- can check this link for photos of the 2 chicks that came in from Edmonton.
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