Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2010 / Beau & Jules

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OH!  - and after Day 8 is 'The Farewell' don't forget that part.  :D

Ah, very interesting, ballywing... I will go back and read her Blog from 2008. :)

Yes, To make a long story short - TPC went and 'borrowed' some chicks from Edmonton I think it was ??? - in hopes that P&T would 'adopt' them as they'd just lost their own chicks. TPC worked day & night, feeding, transporting, watching, she put the 3 chicks in the nestbox & babysat them there. - There are some great photos and the whole fascinating story in the Peregrine Chick Blog, you must read it!!! ;D.... (Check out the 2008 Blog 'The Parent Trap - Days 1-8) Unfortunately, P&T said 'Thanks but No Thanks' and the chicks had to go back.  :-\ The Phanatics found out via the Blog story after it was all over, it was a top secret project!  8)


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 29, 2010, 17:56 ---...There are some private breeders now that provide them to projects like ours (remember the foster chicks in 2008?) and/or release them into the wild themselves.... 
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Did we have foster chicks here in 2008?  :-\ I don't remember that. Wasn't that the year that the 3 chicks drowned at the Radisson downtown? Were there foster chicks in West Winnipeg?


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 29, 2010, 17:56 ---...So captive-bred means, bred in captivity either for falconry purposes or for release into projects like ours... 
...There is no such thing as "hack-bred" but rather "hack-released"... 
Does that help to sort out the confusion Kinderchick?
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Very interesting. Yes, that certainly does help me, TPC. Thank you! :D


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