... funny mix-up this morning ... still looks like 4 chick, hard to still see the last egg, the chick-pile is so tight ... anyway, Mom (i believe) is sitting on the chicks, and dad shows up with a food package, still in it's feathers. Mom jumps up, in preparation of grabbing it, but dad doesn't pass it over, he starts as if he's going to feed the chicks. mom then gets her head in there, and it looks like dad is ending up feeding mom small bits, with the chicks calling for their turn; Mom, seemingly frustrated, then just storms away and takes off. Dad, seemingly confused, picks up the food package and follows. chicks, still sitting there, seem to be saying "What the heck???"
About 2 minutes later, one of the parents is back with the food package, but this time, this chick pile just waits - no stretching or yelling ("Yeah, right, fool me once ...!") until the food is actually being waved over their heads, THEN they figure it's not just another trick, and things go back to normal (much headwaving and wobbling with open mouths, happy happy ...)