Today part 2
So the swing stage started to rise and rise and rise. They cleared my roof and Dennis went crazy. Click, click click. Tpc looked cool as a cucumber ( except for the white knuckles on the rope. )
And before you knew it, and adult peregrine came bolting out of the nest ledge and startled the poop out of us on the roof ( have no idea what it did to the swing stage people.)
Aerial acrobatics, falcon yelling, swooping, diving, just downright falcon swearing at TPC and Bob. A few of the swoops had talons out in front and finally the north swing stage guy started to look a little nervous. About time

Saw tpc holding the chicks, saw Bob banding them and all the while Dennis is clicking away.
And all too soon for us watchers, the swing stage started to descend. Not sure if the guys hanging up in the air felt the same way, but.....
later guys