All the chicks are fat and happy and still on the nestledge. At the moment, the little boys are sitting on the vent and our girl is lying between the vent and the wall and is mostly obscured by her brothers.
Today is Day 35 for the chicks. The males will fly first, then the female. I have had chicks fly at 35 days but it was a lone chick and I was already having trouble keeping it in the box (its name was Sherpa - guess why

). I am anticipating that fleding will occur about Day 40, that is Saturday. Winds are forecasted for SE 5 km/h - today winds have been 15 km/h with gusts to 30 which of course is being funnelled down Smith Street.
Anyone interested in helping with fledgewatch, pm or email me with your name, phone number, email address and when you will be able to help out. If you work downtown, let me know and include your work phone number.