Air quality check in time.

All three chicks and both adults present and accounted for as of 12:05 pm.
Had a bit of an adventure. Pam across the street called me and said that something had hit her window and could I go to my roof to see if I coud see anything in the ledge that is 3 stories above street level. Tracy ( the one who never sleeps ) and I go and meet Pam and go to the 4th floor, were able to look onto the ledge, nothing there.
So up we go to my roof, look around, see nothing. So we decide to do a head count while we're up there. Look and look and look, can't see anything.
Darcy, a guy I work with, was on the roof with us said " there"s one " and low and behold, not 15 feet away from us was one of our boys, having a grand look at us.
Wow oh wow oh wow. Tracy, Pam, Darcy and I just stared and stared. Then TPC took some pictures. And believe it or not, said boy lay down and started to nap.

Looked around some more, found the other boy, and Princess. Ground crew confirmed both Trey and girl in sight.
This all happened around 11:00 and 11:30.
Thanks for the confirmation at 12:05 Pam.
So all is well with our little family.